Gebrüder Fabian – We offer tailor-made services
As part of the recycling chain, we contribute toward the sustainable use of resources and, as part of a functioning recycling economy, thus ensure adequate supplies for future generations.
Our outstanding features are independence, economic success, market stability and a strong network. Our innovative strength is demonstrated by our clear focus on the changing needs of our customers.

Mr. Thorsten S. H. Fabian has been managing director of the company since 1997. He jointly manages the company and ensures its continued expansion.

Thorsten Fabian
Telephone 040 5475467-20
E-Mail thorsten.fabian(at)

When the Recycling and Waste Act (Kreislaufwirtschafts- und Abfallgesetz) entered into force, the redefinition of the term "waste" meant that the steel and non-ferrous metal recycling industries were also subject to these regulations.
The law stipulates that companies which possess special qualifications concerning these processes may use the title of specialist waste management company and thus present themselves as reliable partners as part of the recycling economy. It goes without saying that our company has been tested and certified in accordance with legal requirements. That is why you can be absolutely sure that your waste materials will be recycled in a resource-friendly manner at Gebrüder Fabian.
You can find our current certificate in Downloads

A good network is important in our business.
VDM, BDSV and ESN support us with first-hand information, explanatory notes on legislative changes and many industry-related seminars and workshops. They represent our interests on a national and international level.
In the Hamburg region, the AGA association of companies also offers its members the opportunity to make contacts and enhance their corporate professionalism and position.